Potion of slow falling was introduced in Mine-craft Java Edition 1.13. We are going to go through the detailed tutorial of how to craft all the different types of slow falling potions.
About Slow Falling Potions
So what affect does this potion have? Potion of slow falling reduces the falling speed of player and other mobs. It makes affected entities immune to fall damages. Players can also glide around if this potion is used with an Elytra equipped. These affects can be used by players in a vast majority of applications. It may also be considered as one of the most used potions in Minecraft. we will discus how to Make a Potion of Slow Falling in detail.
Types of Slow Falling Potions
How to Craft Potion of Slow Falling
Let us get into the crafting of the different types of slow falling potions. All potions require brewing stand and blaze powder to begin with. Blaze powder is required to power the brewing stand. It is crafted from blaze rods which are dropped by Blaze in The Nether. Once you get your hands on a brewing stand and blaze powders, you can go forward with brewing of the required potions.
Potion of Slow Falling
There are two types of potion of slow falling which vary in the duration for which the affect lasts.
- Normal potion lasts for 1 minute 30 seconds.
- Extended potion that lasts for 4 minutes.
Ingredients Required

Place the Blaze Powder in the top left corner of the Brewing Stand interface.
This will fill up the brewing meter. Brewing can be done till the meter gets completely empty.
Place Water Bottle and Nether Wart as shown in the image. The brewing process will start and you will get Awkward Potion once the brewing is complete
The brewing process will start and you will get Awkward Potion once the brewing is complete.
Note: Up-to 3 water bottles can be placed at a time. -
After brewing the Awkward Potion, place the Phantom Membrane in the item slot.
It will start brewing again and after completion you will get Potion of Slow Falling of 1:30 duration.
The duration of the potion can be increased by placing Redstone Dust in the item slot.
This is the final step for brewing the potion.
After the brewing is complete, you will get a Potion of Slow Falling of 4:00 duration.
The brewing process is complete.
Splash Slow Falling Potion
Splash potions are potions that can be thrown at other players and entities. It can affect multiple entities at once who come in contact with potion once thrown, unlike the normal potion of slow falling which affects only the player who drank it.
These splash potions come with two duration:
- Normal splash potion with 1:30 duration
- Extended splash potion with 4:00 duration
Ingredients Required

Crafting: How to make a potion?
- Place the gunpowder and the brewed potion of slow falling in the item slots, as shown in the image.

This is the only step required to get the splash potion. The duration of the splash potion depends on the duration of the potion of slow falling used while brewing.

Note: Up-to 3 potions of slow falling can be placed at once i.e. up-to 3 splash potions can be brewed using one gunpowder.
Lingering Potion of Slow Falling
These potions are unique from the types of potions we have seen above. These are thrown, just like splash potions however, when the bottle hits a surface and breaks open, it forms a small cloud near the point of impact and affect all the players and mobs that walk in the cloud. These come with two different duration but unlike the duration of the other potions, these duration refer to how long the cloud will last upon impact.
These come in two duration:
- Normal lingering potion of 0:22 duration
- Extended lingering potion of 1:00 duration

Crafting: How to make a potion?
- Place the Dragon’s Breath and brewed splash potion in the item slots, as shown in image below.

You will get the lingering potion after brewing is completed. The duration of the lingering potion depends on the duration of the splash potion used in brewing.

Note: Up-to 3 splash potions can be placed at once i.e. up-to 3 lingering potions can be brewed using one Dragon’s Breath.
We have gone through all the various types of slow falling potions. They come handy in various situations in survival Minecraft gameplay. They can also be used for gliding around with or without an Elytra. You can know more about it here.
- Slow Falling (Minecraft Gamepedia)
Rohan K. Prasad is an author at Tech Inkcue. He is an engineer with specialization in Electronics & Communication. He is an admirer of modern technology and covers electronic machines of any type.